
SuperTux Editor 0.3.2-SVN (developtment snapshot, r5932, LINUX, 32bit, MONO, GTK# 2.10)
SuperTux Editor 0.3.2-SVN (developtment snapshot, r5932, Windows, 32bit, .NET, GTK# 2.10)

Fixed bug #463 -> no errors for "deleted lastDirectory" anymore
Added "badguy" Dart - to fill gaps before darts from DartTrap arrive
Drag&Drop level opening - successfully tested with gnome and xfce apps
Untested: Deactivate hidden tilemaps -> prevent unintentional damage to them

SuperTux Editor 0.3.2-SVN (developtment snapshot, r5890, Windows, 32bit, .NET, GTK# 2.10)

MRU is updating when file is opened (not only once per start)
"BG image" renamed to "Background IMG" in LayerList
Added Path editor into MainMenu=>Tools

SuperTux Editor 0.3.2-SVN (developtment snapshot, r5865, LINUX, 32bit, MONO, GTK# 2.10)
SuperTux Editor 0.3.2-SVN (developtment snapshot, r5865, Windows, 32bit, .NET, GTK# 2.10)

Multiselection (tool Objects)

Included camera picture for ToolBar
Marked more properties with "RedrawOnChange" (SpriteFile, Dispenser.Type, Dirrection....)
Badguy drags now behave "natural" with enabled snapping and moving to negative coordinates + cancelable using Right mouse button
Fixed annoyance - Red shadow badguy stayed when removing selected badguy using Undo/Redo

SuperTux Editor 0.3.2-SVN (developtment snapshot, r5846, LINUX, 32bit, MONO, GTK# 2.10)

Add layer property for thunderstorm + moved it to LayerList(with game revision 0.3.2-SVN r5834 and up)
Improved Path editing - toolbutton can create new paths; path editor can delete edited path (by removing all nodes)
Move camera properties from ugly GObjectList to Toolbar + autohide for empty GObjectList => usually gone
Minor text fixes: "added path node" instead of "deleted path node"
Proper object deletion by Undo when selected (object's shadow remained when doing that)

SuperTux Editor 0.3.2-SVN (developtment snapshot, r5828, LINUX, 32bit, MONO, GTK# 2.10)

Forgot to include "data directory/brushes" in all archives from this point downwards!! (Now "solved")

SuperTux Editor 0.3.2-SVN (developtment snapshot, r5828, Windows, 32bit, .NET, GTK# 2.10)

Fixed crash on first run (due to missing settings file)
(Just changes to make it work with .NET)

SuperTux Editor 0.3.2-SVN (developtment snapshot, r5800, LINUX, 32bit, MONO, GTK# 2.10)

Fixed issue with removing just added backgrounds
Fixed problems with more backgrounds in one sector (each has it's own visiblity and Z-position now)
  => reworked background handling (It is in LayerList now, global ShowBackground menu item was removed)
Moved All items with Z-Positions from "undefined window above properties view" to LayerList
Automatic redraw when any property named "X" or "Y" or "ZPos" changes
Reflection of changes in Tile definition files => works with current SVN game now
Better calculation when drawing backgrounds (should fill entire sector now, now hardcoded 10x10 as before)
Will-o-wisp moves with it's first path node and vice versa
Better debug message when required field is missing in .stl file

SuperTux Editor 0.3.2-SVN (developtment snapshot, r5763, LINUX, 32bit, MONO, GTK# 2.10)

Better icon when dragging badguys
Working path tool button
Auto-updates on Undo/Redo/Drag
Fixed bug when resizing sector in new level
Viewer reacts to change of ZPos automatically (no save+load anymore)
Fixed crash when selecting sector from context menu of sector tab
Less flashing in Properties editor
Fixed issue when cloning Dispensers (they shared one badguy list before)
Added possibility to load more badguys into the dispenser
Allow to specify dispenser type; Use following rules when used with 0.3.1 or 0.3.0 game:

SuperTux Editor 0.3.2-SVN (developtment snapshot, r5746, LINUX, 32bit, MONO, GTK# 2.10)

Tilemaps are sorted by ZPos values
Added scrollbar for Tile/Object lists
Fixed Issue #379 (select .png instead .sprite and it crashes)

SuperTux Editor 0.3.2-SVN (developtment snapshot, r5711, LINUX, 32bit, MONO, GTK# 2.10)

Solved bug #378 => you can use tiles/brush/fill/replace tools and select "badguys" OR "background image" layer together without crash

SuperTux Editor 0.3.2-SVN (developtment snapshot, r5708, Windows, 32bit, .NET 2.0, GTK# 2.8)
SuperTux Editor 0.3.2-SVN (developtment snapshot, r5708, Windows, 32bit, .NET 3.5, GTK# 2.8)

Support for comfortable editing of moved tilemap,
Created bug #378 => do not use tiles/brush/fill/replace tools and select "badguys" OR "background image" layer together,
re-enabled brush patter learning,
allow removing 1st sector when there are 2 sectors in the level,
more native menu items,
ability to cancel selecting/drawing by pressing other mouse button,
Tooltips + Undo&Redo buttons for vertical toolbar,
added background pseudolayer into Layer List,
reload state of "eyes"(Layer List) after sector switch

SuperTux Editor 0.3.2-SVN (developtment snapshot, r5669, LINUX, 32bit, MONO, GTK# 2.10)
SuperTux Editor 0.3.2-SVN (SOURCE, r5825)